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  1. Let's be crystal clear: the Liberals are not rushing to find a new "saviour". We have much more fundamental work ahead of us.
  2. Selon conservateur Dykstra, eventuellement le formulaire "court" du recensement ne serait plus obligatoire. Pourquoi ne suis-je pas surpris?
  3. Here we go: Rick Dykstra now saying that even the short form census will one day not be mandatory. Why am I not surprised?
  4. Sanity check please: Osama Bin Laden is dead and photos were taken. To suggest otherwise is a serious lack of judgement
  5. J'ai failli tombe de ma chaise quand Mulcair a affirme qu'il doutait de l'existence de photos du cadavre de Bin Laden!
  6. I almost fell out of my chair when Mulcair said he doubted the existence of Osama Bin Laden photos
  7. Many thanks Michael. Marc
  8. Merci a Westmount - Ville Marie de m'avoir re-elu hier soir
  9. For those who might be understandably confused, I was re-elected last night.
  10. Je termine ma visite de tous les bureaux de scrutin. Just finished visiting the last polling station in my riding
  11. Les jeux sont faits. To Canada, we await your verdict
  12. Mansbridge question to leaders about a past big mistake. JL and Mi fessed up 100%. SH only took 50% of blame for his mistake
  13. Families of gun victims unite to stop Harper via @AddThis #elxn41
  14. The first actual poll in the riding of Westmount - Ville Marie since October 14th 2008 will occur on Monday
  15. Out knocking on doors today: surprising how many people have already voted
  16. @jacquesgravel: je suis partout Monsieur Gravel. Dans mon comte et a travers la province. Bonne journee
  17. Federal Candidates Debate in Westmount—Ville-Marie via @marcgarneau #elxn41 #fed2011
  18. Unmuzzle scientists, federal leaders urged via @marcgarneau #elxn41 #fed2011
  19. Westmount debate heats up race via @marcgarneau #elxn41 #fed2011
  20. @acoyne: policies aside? YIKES!