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  1. Where did the deficit come from? #elxn41 One person implies property collapse. Any other ideas?
  2. Where did the deficit come from? #cdnpoli #elxn41
  3. @RyanOnRails Congrats. Dad is hardest/toughest job there is, but also most rewarding :) Take good care of mom too :)
  4. @RyanOnRails congrats! your first?
  5. is there a website that lists cool/ruby/ROR events in #sfo ?
  6. ok #yeg #ruby hackers, time to start planning #railsrumble2011 let me know if you want to join the winning team
  7. really? #heroku is down? so much for my lunch hour productivity :)
  8. anyone else experiencing #slowness with #gmail ?
  9. @aprefontaine i'm at next act. gmail is acting slow so i'm tweeting you :)
  10. @peterurban should be working now, not the most reliable host :(
  11. @rafaldyrda have you looked at devise? I haven't, but heard about it. maybe that'll help you.
  12. @rafaldyrda not sure, have you looked into omniauth?
  13. Check out the Edmonton Stack Overflow community! #SOMeetup
  14. only .99$ to rent on itunes: Dogville - #iTunes one of the best movies/plays i've ever seen. Kidman is awesome.
  15. @TimFletcher do you have multiple twitter accounts? How are things?
  16. .@letitfreeme is back up and running ;)