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  1. @keshavmathurcom Such nuisance lawsuits are normal. They never go anywhere but the claimants are always trying to discourage scrutiny.
  2. @jarfri Malik? 2. Harper at the Air India memorial, 2010: we must "systematically marginalise" extremists. Agreed?
  3. @jarfri Malik? 1. We stand by our story. Facts: he joined the Babbar Khalsa and paid $100K+ (secretly) to the Air India bomb-maker's family.
  4. Tory spinners quick to discount Ekos poll showing 3-point lead over NDP. #elxn41
  5. Harper in London #elxn41
  6. "You're a liar, Stephen Harper" says heckler in London
  7. 300+ in London for Harper rally
  8. @Michael_Murphy Common error on Malik. Nobody's shown that the 2 Libs knew he endorsed them - so you got nothing. Wai Young knew, was there.
  9. Ivison weighs in on Harper and the media: #elxn41
  10. Harper: this gov't will hit the ground running on Tuesday. We're going to continue our work.
  11. @Toronto_Tory false. No other journalist was interrupted. That was Harper's press secretary interrupting me.
  12. Harper: nothing has been decided yet...Every riding is in play.
  13. Crowd chants at Harper's Brampton rally: "Majority! Majority!"
  14. Harper: It's either gonna be a Conservative gov't or an NDP gov't
  15. @KatieBrist Yup, we're taking the skyway. But apocalyptic winds are now subsiding. Metaphor ban in place.
  16. Crazy winds buffet Harper campaign in Niagara. 18-wheeler overturned on highway. Bus driver nervous. Hoping it passes in time to move on.
  17. @kady Let the record show that no metaphor passed my lips. Yet.
  18. @NoLibs So you'll be providing details of all those anti-low tax reports, I assume. Good luck.
  19. Fog too thick for landing in Kitchener. Harper diverts to Toronto and we will, groan, drive to Kitchener. In the fog.
  20. Harper plane circling because of fog. Kitchener must wait. #elxn41