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  1. Thanks for all the well wishes on our new website folks, we'll be adding new videos, blog posts and articles every week so check us back
  2. Our newly redesigned website is now up and running come to - check out our blog, and all the new features celebrating ART
  3. Filming Behind the scenes @ the NGC while we install Louise Bourgeois 1911-2010 with long-time assistant Jerry Gorovoy
  4. An interesting feature where the The Ottawa Citizen looks at us looking at Louise Bourgeois
  5. Group of 7 continue to make news here in advance of our Walrus-NGC debate on them here
  6. Our next Art History Minute video is up: - this one is only in French though .. enjoy
  7. Today's Kahoot deal -$33 for Afternoon High Tea for Two People in the Great Hall of the National Gallery
  8. On May 1st @ 3pm come 2 the NGC 4 A free film on Wanda Koop then, if inspired, buy a ticket 4 her exhibition
  9. @Courtbot It's the first time some of these sculptures have been shown this way since the 70s, watch for our behind the scenes video soon
  10. Today's ten minute talk at both 11:15 and 12:15 will be on Gainsborough's River Landscape with Cattle Watering - free with admission
  11. Today @gallerydotca there R 2 10 min talks @ 11:15 & 12:15 - both are on this work - - come listen, free with admission
  12. If you're here for the 11:15 talk then stick around for the 12:15 one too - its on Tall Spread by Jack Bush:
  13. today's 11:15 talk is on Green Night by Douglass Morton: - come listen, free with admission
  14. RT @cathyacleary: On a rainy afternoon, taking a virtual tour of @gallerydotca collection