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  1. Verlander is also a great guy. Photo of him with his arm around my dad sits on the desk beside my computer.
  2. Justin Verlander of Detroit Tigers just pitched a no-hitter in Toronto. Blue Jays fans cheer him on for last four innings!
  3. Osama was planning to blow up a train? In this country? What's a train? Where I live in Mich, u have 2 drive 150mi be4 u can find a train.
  4. I guess I & lots of others thought we could do better, b better, b that shining light 4 others. Now we just let generals & bankers roam free
  5. Hey, it's Friday! Quittin' time! Beers r on me! Thanks 4 listening. Somewhere I know our capacity 4 good is still there. Let's not give up.
  6. I'm just saying, I want my America back. I dunno, maybe it never was. We are a nation founded on genocide and built on the backs of slaves.
  7. RobertE.Lee & JeffersonDavis led a war that cost 600K lives. I didn't see them get double-tapped. In fact, whole states have holidays 4 them
  8. And, I'm sorry: Ground Zero is a graveyard of heroes and victims. It is not a place to hold a party, spray champaign, & shout "USA! USA!"
  9. And like the worst, most despicable criminals, they should b hunted down & brought 2 justice. We r NOT them. We r civilized. We hold trials.
  10. They are a crime syndicate using religion as a guise. They seek power through fear. Like the mob. They're not an army--they're criminals.
  11. The terrorists win when we elevate them to nation status and call it a "war" and call them "the enemy."
  12. The terrorists win when we have turned into a nation of wusses who are afraid to hold a trial because "they might hurt us!"
  13. The terrorists win when we are willing to scrap our system of justice and do it their way: "Just kill 'em!"
  14. I understand the sentiment because we all want OBL gone. But these statements are an admission that our great American Experiment is dead.
  15. The #1 comment I've heard since being on CNN last night: "Trials are a waste of time." #2: "A trial for OBL might create more terrorism."
  16. It's not that OBL "deserved" a trial. WE deserved it. WE need to return to what we say we are: a nation of laws made by free people.
  17. I don't understand y they just don't admit this: It was an execution/assassination. 80% of Americans would approve. "Trials get in the way!"
  18. From The Atlantic, confirmation of what I've been saying this week. The orders were: Do not take bin Laden alive.
  19. Just got bk from CNN. They'll rerun the Piers Morgan show in a few minutes at 12amET/9pmPT. My 1st time on his show. Lemme know what u think
  20. Piers Morgan, who took over the Larry King time slot on CNN, will have me on live for the full hour tonight at 9pmET/PT (rerun at midnight).