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  1. @AdamMoscoe good to meet you too
  2. @b_wyse awesome
  3. Next steps
  4. old habits die hard “@gmacofglebe: funny, reporters told me a couple of days ago Liberals wouldn't get as much coverage now.”
  5. Sign the NCC petition for @pmharper
  6. RT @leftdog: "22484 people voted for Ruth Ellen Brosseau more than voted for any Lib candidate in all of Quebec"
  7. @SamuelCoates I'm going to guess Australian Libs?
  8. RT @BillHemmer: BREAKING: Its official. @NewtGingrich is in for 2012.
  9. Exploring historic space missions in a twitter-like format
  10. “@brianlilley: #cdnpoli Lilley: Tory crime bill an attack on our liberty - Toronto Sun
  11. @poneilinParis I was thinking of Mulroney's majority caucus and the possibility if Harper had won 50 QC seats
  12. How many times can this story be rewritten?
  13. @bulldog11 you're smart enough to know that bureaucrats and political staff are different.
  14. @montesolberg beg pardon?
  15. @Thomas_Chanzy ah, fair point
  16. @Thomas_Chanzy it is a literal thing. Caucus of government MPs
  17. @alainsaffel kool-aid comes from the movement... now to get the party to drink it
  18. @alainsaffel dude, I make the Kool-aid
  19. @alainsaffel I'll be on twitter for a while if you need to direct your angst in one direction. I'm here to help.
  20. @Thomas_Chanzy helpful to Layton