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  1. Thanks 2 my great team & fantastic supporters. Now we take time 2 reflect & rebuild. Forged from the hottest fire is the strongest steel.
  2. What a great honour and privilege 2 represent the ppl of Ajax-Pickering for the past 15 years as an elected official.
  3. @zee_mustafa No qualification necessary! Really appreciate your support and glad you can make it out today!
  4. Media Avail with Michael outside our campaign office. Amazing support here!
  5. Packed house at our campaign office to meet Michael. Wow! It's HOT in here!
  7. Excited to welcome Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff to Ajax-Pickering today. Come meet him at our campaign office at 11am.
  8. Filed complaint w police re: election sign theft. Cowadly acts of intimidation won't distract from real issues in AP:
  9. Advance Voter turnout “massive” in Ajax-Pickering via @markhollandmp
  10. Harper CONS own hand-picked Victims Ombudsmand calls their commitment 2 victims of crime just a Tory PR stunt -
  11. Harper CONS own hand-pickering Victims Ombudsmand calls their commitment 2 victims of crime just a Tory PR stunt -
  12. @Moose837 thanks so much for your support!
  13. Happy Easter everyone!
  14. Canvassing w Bob Rae this afternoon. 8 teams out knocking on doors. Thanks to my great team of volunteers!
  15. Canvassing with ON Transport Minister Kathleen Wynne and an awesome groups of volunteers. And the sun came out to boot!
  16. Avoid line-ups on election day! Advance polls open today, sat & mon from 12pm-8pm. Call us @ 905-239-4518 4 ur polling location. Vote early!
  17. @ICPFM Thanks so much. Appreciate your support!
  18. @Soulminder Thanks so much for your support. Appreciate it!Will do!
  19. Last all-candidates debate tonight. Community Devl Council Durham and the Devi Mandir host. 7-9pm tonight.