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  1. @FilipinosforCan It would end the LCP. There is an LC program only because PRs and citizens do not apply to be LCs. Immediate PR = no LCP.
  2. @FilipinosforCan Yes, nannies (ie Live-in Caregivers) will continue to qualify for permanent residency after meeting requirements of the LCP
  3. 58K new jobs in April. W/ all the talk about ads & tactics, I wonder when some pundit might posit that strong economy was factor in election
  4. RT @nicknoorani: Mentors help immigrants find success in Canada
  5. RT @nppolitics: Preston Manning’s great achievement #cdnpoli #elxn41
  6. RT @CitizenRobDavis: interesting stat: York Centre 2008 CPC vote was 14,132. In 2011 vote was 20,355 NDP/Green vote stayed @ combined 6,000
  7. RT @fullcomment: And the award for most insipid insight of the election goes to…
  8. @OttawaSouthie Yes, finally might get some reading time! Just started Canadian novelist Randy Boyagoda's latest, Beggar's Feast.
  9. Fr. de Souza gets it, as usual: RT @fullcomment: Father Raymond J. de Souza: How journalists patronized ethnic voters
  10. RT @HDInstitute: Last WWI combat vet dies, age 110 - - Last Canadian WWI veteran died last year,
  11. RT @globepolitics: Here’s why Stephen Harper really won:
  12. Wonder if Mr. Mulcair has discussed his OBL pic doubts w/ Richard Bergeron, the 9/11 conspiracy theorist he endorsed to be Mayor of Montreal
  13. RT @jonkay: Here's a long letter I wrote to the Guardian asking why they publish Heather Mallick's outright lies:
  14. On MacLeod Trail saying "thank-you" to Calgary SE voters. My Mom came out to lend a hand! #yyc
  15. RT @cburton001: N. Korea holding 200,000 political prisoners: Amnesty International:
  16. Gratuluje Wladyslawowi Lizoniowi i Tedowi Opitzowi z okazji ich wyboru do Parlamentu. Wspanialy dzien dla Kanadyjskiej Polonii!
  17. About to go on Sun TV's The Source with the always understated and soft-spoken host Ezra Levant.
  18. Helping to clean up & shut down our Calgary Southeast campaign office with some of our amazing, dedicated, selfless volunteers. Thanks team!
  19. Plus Etb Ctr RT @jellerton: Great visuals of changes of the federal scene in the GTA. Before: After: