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  1. @CBCPolitics the White House made it clear that pictures exist. Absolutely no reason to doubt that. #cdnpoli
  2. Mr. Ignatieff called PM Harper to congratulate him on his #elxn41 victory. The PM thanked Mr. Ignatieff for his contribution to public life.
  3. @ToddGugg House will come back this spring so we can pass the Next Phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan. Low tax plan for jobs & growth.
  4. Back to @PMOSoudas
  5. L'ancien PM Chrétien a appelé le PM Harper pour le féliciter de l’élection du Gouvernement conservateur majoritaire.
  6. Former PM Jean Chrétien called PM Harper to congratulate him on the election of a majority #CPC Government.
  7. PM Harper received phone calls from Dutch & Israeli PMs as well as the German Chancellor. They congratulated the PM on his majoprity victory
  8. PM Harper and PM Cameron also discussed the situation in Libya.
  9. PM Harper looks forward to seeing PM Cameron at the upcoming G-8 summit later this month.
  10. British PM David Cameron called PM Harper to congratulate him on yesterday's election victory.
  11. 2/2...Beyond the Border declaration he and PM Harper announced February 4, 2011 and to the work of the U.S.-Cda Regulatory Coop Council. 
  12. 1/2 The President said he looked forward to continuing his close cooperation with the Prime Minister, and renewed his commitment to the....
  13. Prime Minister Harper also congratulated the President and the U.S. forces responsible for the recent operation against Osama bin Laden.
  14. Prime Minister Harper thanked President Obama for the call and told him he looks forward to working closely with him in the years to come.
  15. Earlier today, President Obama called Prime Minister Stephen Harper to congratulate him on his victory in yesterday’s national elections.
  16. PM Harper to hold press conference this morning in Calgary.
  17. PM Harper in Calgary. Deeply honoured and humbled of the strong endorsement given to us by Canadians
  18. Canadians have elected PM Harper to lead a stable, national, MAJORITY, conservative government!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. PM Harper says that Canada receives news of Osama bin Laden's death "with sober satisfaction," #pmsh #elxn41