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  1. oops - here's less dizzying view of "home " for the next X hours (thanks @monique_muise)
  2. HQ for #BQ: aka: Home, for the next X hours...
  3. PQ leader Marois hopes #BQ and Duceppe have "merde" on #elxn41 night
  4. RT @mchardie: Marois comes off vacation to help #BQ, worried PQ could be dragged down by BQ #elxn41 result
  5. PQ leader cuts vacation short to campaign w/ #BQ on day when Duceppe will visit riding of #NDP cand who went to Vegas during #elxn41
  6. @CraigSilverman @haywardcbc Uh. He doesn't like to talk about the "events" of the evening that pic was taken.
  7. Bravo @acoyne. Ppl who speak their mind don't need to be obeyed but certainly shouldn't be slandered 140 characters at a time
  8. 4th day in row, Duceppe visits a flower shop. Coincidence? Or is he channeling Mao?
  9. @lashray I never said he was - just pointing out the term was used and it's a tough one to explain to Anglos
  10. After a number of stimulating conversations, I've updated my piece on language with the #BQ in #elxn41
  11. @KatieFranzios Thanks!
  12. @lashray @rosiebarton there are a number of possibilities for the word- part of the challenge/ fun of covering # BQ
  13. How do you say <<une crapule>> in English? Suggestions here: #elxn41
  14. OK. Sherbrooke, QC =24deg. 2hrs later - Quebec City =4deg. Can't wait for Riv-des-Loups in 4hrs...
  15. I stand corrected. That was the Jacques Cartier Bridge. I've been away for too long...
  16. Crossing Montreal's Champlain Bridge. #wishmeluck
  17. Hoping to avoid his fate, Duceppe sits down with Dumont #elxn41
  18. Duceppe says Parizeau "is a very well respected man in Que." Doesn't think past comments with hurt #BQ chances for 'ethnic votes' #elxn41
  19. Elxns aren't referendums, Duceppe often said. Apparently #elxn41 different. Says strong #BQ needed for "the next step."
  20. Parizeau tells #BQ faithful, sovereignty will "take as long as it takes." Will that energize the base? #elxn41