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  1. @Steve_Lafleur You are on the button. Decentralized tax powers improves accountability- better tax prices. #cdnpoli
  2. BC govt criticized being tepid in defending HST.
  3. At a HST conference -- many questions as to whether BC will have to pay back fed money if HST defeated. Looking for fed govt response.
  4. "@kevinmilligan: Here is today's independent #HST panel appointed by the BC Govt." Required BC reading #cdnpoli.
  5. @kevinlibin How true!!
  6. CBC is showing leading and elected Bloc members in EVERY province. Guess what -- 9 with goose eggs. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  7. Is 21st Century Canada like UK 100 years ago with Labour (NDP) and Conservatives being dominant parties for the future?
  8. @acoyne Guess some of the regional ones might be different -- Atlantic polls all over the place it seems. But large margins.
  9. @acoyne I think this says something about the law of large numbers -- big samples may not matter after all! Thanks!
  10. @stephenfgordon Not all NDP gov't were great -- BC and Ont NDP. Man and Sask NDP were good generally. Some Cons were poor -- Sask Devine.
  11. @acoyne Sometimes weighting does not matter but these regional breakdowns by poll are not that consistent in ranking parties esp Atlantic.
  12. @acoyne Sometimes these things don't matter. What I find interesting is that the reg breakdowns don't have much consistency except Quebec.
  13. @acoyne Andrew: I assume these are unweighted arithmetic averages, not weighted by sample size.
  14. "@TheEconomist: Britain spends heavily to support young families. Why aren’t the results better?"
  15. @MichaelCarl7 don't know anything more than what has been published.