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  1. Pls do! Valuable input. RT @skdadl: Ollie just coughed up a hairball on to my short-form census doc. Debating whether to send it in.
  2. There is a goose-hating madman on the loose in Calgary. Posse up! We're going to get justice for this Canada Goose.
  3. @ERMSquirrel Exactly. Like their cats shedding more in the spring, etc. Or how expensive "holistic pet food" is.
  4. Squeal! RT @ERMSquirrel: Good morning @cheddar_harper!
  5. @vintage_voter Ha. That's very optimistic.
  6. @canadianglen Or longer. Only other whiners are going to vote for the whiny party.
  7. @JustplainCarrie @ERMSquirrel @pmoharper I will go kill a bird now. Do vent my rage!
  8. Anyone know how long the post-election lament for Canada is going to be? I may fast-forward through some of it.
  9. @pmoharper @ERMSquirrel @pmoharper #CatTears
  10. @chucklessmith Thank you!
  11. @Mrburma @ALL_CAPS Who is the smartest cat in the world? Maybe @Mimi_Ignatieff--although it doesn't matter cuz Cdns just don't like her!
  12. @AllysApparition Too bad I can't spell heard. Hard to type w/o opposable thumbs!
  13. That is how I roll. RT @ALL_CAPS: @cheddar_harper You left a dead bird in my shoe and now you're lecturing me on political ideology?
  14. The gooey centre is just as ideology-based as the chocolatey left and the peanut-buttery right. Even a cat understands that.
  15. @AllysApparition @Paeter_France Oh more, much more. Have you hard of the greenbelt? That's all mine.
  16. @Paeter_France @AllysApparition That's right! And @pmoharper makes visitors to 24 Sussex dance for me too. Or they are killed!
  17. @one_eyed_ali Is that a "yes, I am interested in licking your fur" hah?