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  1. I don't want to get stopped by the new mayor @lm21345:" @seantorrie please be a gravy train for Halloween"
  2. @rickmercer being a speaker at QMP is awfully fun
  3. @SamuelOliphant Eberle vs. White is going to produce many highlights over the next few years lol
  4. @JonathanRose Contrary to the sample @ the leaders' debate there are some Queen's students who know who Omar Khadr is & want him repatriated
  5. LeBron James "What Should I Do?" He probably should actually get the "loyalty" tattoo removed
  6. I don't trust the new mayor of Toronto as far as I could throw him. #ThingsIPhysicallyCannotDo
  7. @kelectors every vote for "Run this town" team should be viewed as a vote against the stance all the other candidates have on student issues
  8. Feel like a rebel spoiling my ballot for trustee #voteON
  9. Heading to Memorial Center to cast my ballot
  10. "US the 1st nation since WW2 to prosecute someone in a war crimes tribunal 4 acts allegedly committed as a juvenile"
  11. saw MAC @hilarywindrem in the Queen's Centre telling people how and where to vote. Make sure you vote today! #queensu #kingston
  12. to quote @cuestamusic "If you don't vote, shut the fuck up; I don't want to hear you complain about anything."
  13. VOTE!
  14. 0 Youth turnout = Republican win
  15. Ali Velshi on @ricksancheznews "no comment"
  16. Decided to see Ali Velshi at Alfie's over football game. Hope its the right choice
  17. #FF to new tweeters @emileekcarver @kwynnempp Kingston municipal politics: @kelectors @kingstonist great websites: @punditsguide @TheOnion