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  1. The true secret::::REJOICE with what God has given u & more will show up #absolutetruth
  2. The LORD will make PERFECT the things that concern me -Psalm 138:8 #powerprayer
  3. Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means u have decided 2 look beyond the imperfections.
  4. When things aren't going right.. GO LEFT! #change
  5. Rt @Oprah Ty,saw an intvw u did about new book. Impressive! I downloaded it. Congrats on bestseller. (@tyrese got Oprah's stamp!) Wow!
  6. Brag not about 2morro for thou knowest not what a day may bring
  7. Friends are ok to give advice.. Sumtimes they're helpful.. My advice is run to the throne & not to the phone
  8. Warning to new followers:: I speak a lot about #GOD
  9. God you're my everything.. Storms reveal your foundation #GodMade
  10. You CAN NOT be powerful & pitiful at the same time
  11. When u stop playing the role of a victim.. You will become the victor #ownyourlife
  12. Think good thoughts
  13. Lord u've kept me together thru thick and thin. Good & bad times #pleaseknow #Lord #I #notice
  14. RT @NickCannon My wife gave me the most incredible anniversary gift in life! I won't ever be able to top this! Congrats 2 u & @Mariahcarey
  15. Be wronged is nothing unless you keep repeating in ur mind over and over
  16. Trending topics #Ethugs #internetgangsters #keyboardcourage
  17. Bullies have low self esteem.. Cyber bullies are worst. They do it in secret.. #internetgangsters
  18. Keep teachings & keys to life in ur heart.. u can go thru life with a crowbar or simply use #keys
  19. The key to getting more is having a grateful heart.. :)
  20. Haters are always down on what they're not up on