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  1. @KateGalbraith Anyone doing voluntary disclosure in TX that would comply? Questerre pitched disclosure in QC to get well approval, but lost.
  2. @JustinTidd For example, rivers may have diff't gov't having jurisdiction over water, shoreline, fish, and riverbed.
  3. @JustinTidd Not a clear line.Vehicle emissions are generally prov monitored, fed and prov law.Water is both fed and prov. It's complicated.
  4. RT @ctvedmonton: In farewell, Auditor General takes on #climate and aboriginal issues:
  5. @MWenergynews It's difficult. It's a long term problem, so trying to proxy w short term data can seriously undermine scientific credibility.
  6. @doniveson, you may want to check out @drgrist Smart Cities posts - part 1/3 today: #yeg #yegcc
  7. @MWenergynews Catch 22 works both ways...when weather doesn't "cooperate" to advance #climate policy discussion.
  8. @MWenergynews but open a Twitter column on the #climate hashtag, and you will see many who disagree.
  9. @MWenergynews Agreed. I have been very consistent in a position that it's a bad long term strategy to link specific events to climate change
  10. @MWenergynews That nuance often lost. Do you have good peer review lit ref on #climate effect on severity-weighted likelihood of tornadoes?
  11. Good summary RT @tveitdal: Record Tornado Season Caused by Climate Change? Unfortunately, no one knows
  12. @MorganSolar No worries re: math. Who's Cali grid price forecast are you using 20yrs out? Or just inflating current prices at 2.5%?
  13. @MorganSolar @climatekeith @tomrand @Go2CleanBreak Do you have all of this in a press release or other report?
  14. As retrofit subsidies go, this is a good place to start MT @doniveson: @CityofEdmonton energy eff. grant: #yeg #yegcc
  15. Interesting. Alan Burke's Climate Insight blog has an entry on the comments section from my Globe and Mail article
  16. RT @KyleHarrietha: "Simpson: Save resource money for the future? Nah, says Alberta" #cdnpoli #ableg #oilsands
  17. @climatekeith @tomrand Using EU definition of grid parity where wholesale cost equals retail price?
  18. @RJMcClelland @GreenYEG That was my point. Do you know any good counterfactual analysis of the impact of crash w/o NEP in place.
  19. "The NEP: How bad was it?" I'm sure it's been done, but haven't seen it. RT @GreenYEG: Sounds like a great topic for a PHD dissertation.
  20. @kirksaid @ElectDanielle Agreed, but as @kevinmilligan says, the answer does not lie in a price solution to an income problem.