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  1. With @mike_de_jong announced comprehensive promotion campaign - Healthy Families BC. #bcpoli
  2. Proud to announce $7.3 million in supportive housing for single moms. #bcpoli
  3. Productive meeting with Gov Chris Gregoire, talking jobs and closer ties. #bcpoli
  4. Kenworth Seattle plant builds LNG rigs using BC's @westportWPRT technology. #bcpoli
  5. At Crown Isle for an open mid-island town hall - packed room - thank you for the warm welcome
  6. Absolutely beautiful day to be flying into Comox - holding an open Town Hall in Courtenay at noon #bcpoli
  7. Opening the 2011 Hydrogen Fuel Cells Conference at the Convention Centre this morning #bcpoli
  8. Now meeting with VPG delegation - opportunity for me to say thanks for all their hard work #bcl11
  9. Thank you to the 25 South Asian delegates for your ideas and insight this morning at our meeting
  10. Enjoying the dialogue and discussion at the cabinet Q&A session in Penticton this morning
  11. Really enjoying meeting all the great members from around the province @ the BCL Convention in Penticton
  12. Reminder to all that live in VPG that voting day is tomorrow - polls open 8am-8pm
  13. On the corner of 4th and Alma burmashaving with a great group of volunteers!
  14. Proud to present medals to #vpd officers, with Chief Chu and Mayor Robertson. #bcpoli
  15. We can all do our part in keeping beaches clean
  16. Did you know it takes 3 cigarette butts to kill a duck? Please dispose waste/litter appropriately
  17. Looking for something fun to do today? Head down to Kits Beach for the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up!
  18. Heading to #UBC for a MITACS announcement #bcpoli
  19. At Bean Around the World on West 10th meeting with Indira Prahst from the sociology department at Langara College
  20. On the phone this afternoon calling folks in VPG - Thank you to all the amazing volunteers in the office & door knocking