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  1. @that_twisted_cm Sigh. I'm expecting that. But fingers crossed nonetheless.
  2. Hoping Manitoba flood victims get some uplifting news out of Glendale. Hope to see the Jets fly home.
  3. Big Oil meets U.S. Navy Seals.
  4. @BreakenNews Orman
  5. @gwendolynmr Way.
  6. And Torontonians thought (until recently) voting Conservative was crazy....@JulietONeill: @impolitical
  7. WHAT!!!! NUTS!! RT @JulietONeill: I wobble just looking down thru the glass. RT: @impolitical: Out of their minds.
  8. @journojamie Very app-ropos.
  9. Rick Orman to run for Alberta Tory leadership, 19 years after his first shot. #ableg #yyc #yeg #abpc #pcldr
  10. Tories owe majority to political evolution of Harper. He's no longer an enigma to most voters. #cdnpoli #elxn41 #yyc
  11. @mattfrehner Thx. Fingers crossed.
  12. @perreaux @acoyne NDP polling 50 per cent at McGill, 54 per cent at Carleton pub; Iggy and Libs 60 per cent at U of T.
  13. @mattfrehner Damn. It wants a software update from the iPhone and I'm using an iPod touch. Any suggestions?
  14. @mattfrehner @josh_wingrove @klaszus Fabuloso! Thanks. Usually it offers me a new download but it didn't happen.
  15. @josh_wingrove What's going on with the Globe app for iPhone?! It isn't working. Looks like it has been shut down, at least current version.
  16. @jenditchburn @SusanDelacourt @markusoff I'm somehow picturing PMSH skipping down the street.
  17. @jenditchburn The Harper stroll through the streets sounds very impromptu Chretienesque.