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  1. very, very sad: mark haines of cnbc passed away at 65. my heart goes out to his family. he was a legend.
  2. This was a sad column for me to write: Brain Cancer Sharpens Forstmann's Focus on Philanthropy -
  3. HBO's film adaptation of Too Big to Fail begins in a couple of min....Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for all the kind words already.
  4. in wash dc this morning getting ready to do @meetthepress w/ @davidgregory to talk politics + economy
  5. @jayrosen_nyu that's not what i'm saying at all. i was pointing out an article w/interesting perspective. nothing more.
  6. @alexthistlewood @coreymull you have to give credit to lowenstein for offering a contrarian, unpopular view that may have merit
  7. @dustineichler also: we "relaxed" so many rules that some of the stuff that would be fraud isn't
  8. @dustineichler i'm not suggesting there wasn't fraud on wall st; there was! lowenstein's pt is that it isn't the real reason for the crisis
  9. courageous opinion piece by roger lowenstein that is prob. right + will make people angry: "wall st: not guilty"
  10. i'll be on real-time w/@billmaher on @hbo tonight, talking abt politics, econ + hbo's version of my book too big to fail. what shld i say?
  11. mustread: james bandler writes amazing piece from afghanistan about wall st banker, gold + pentagon:
  12. @dejon97 @TheAlistGroup 'Too Big To Fail' premiere's on HBO on May 23 at 9PM. Hope you like it.
  13. Buffett on Trump: "He will not be president." #BRK2011
  14. Munger on Trump: "Obviously I think he's a jerk." #brk2011
  15. @alexrubalcava @beckyquickcnbc i will try
  16. any #brk2011 shareholders have a follow-up question on sokol? are you satisfied with his answers?
  17. dealbook is live-blogging #brk2011 on @nytimesdealbook and at
  18. At #brk2011. We're going to begin the questions soon. If u are here and have a follow up to Buffett comments, send