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Program logo: TD Summer Reading Club Français
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When children come back to school in September after developing their taste for books and reading during the summer, you can see the difference right away! You recognize the signs: the children are calmer, pay more attention, read more fluently, interact more happily with books, and concentrate better.

For years, summer reading clubs have existed in all parts of the world, bringing children undeniable benefits. Studies are unanimous that summer reading clubs help children do well in school and extracurricular activities. Summer reading clubs make it possible for a variety of children's skills to flourish: oral, written, artistic, and dramatic.

Of course, other factors also contribute to the acquisition and reinforcement of children's reading skills. These factors include contact with books and reading from a very young age, parents who enjoy reading, children's individual reading capacities, the number of books they read by themselves, and their enjoyment in reading.

As Club members, children develop reading skills, interest and enthusiasm. As well, their greater self-confidence, the increasing number of books they read, and their more frequent use of the library open up cultural, community and social horizons for them.

When reading is part of children's everyday life and has positive associations for them, they feel supported in their learning process and in their ongoing personal development.

As part of this learning and development process, the Club's purpose is to create, for every community, every family and every child, an environment that is as conducive as possible to the acquisition and reinforcement of children's reading skills.

The Club includes you, too, as persons who are crucial to children's education. Make the TD Summer Reading Club an extension of your classroom during the summer vacation.

Program logo: TDPartnership logo: Toronto Public LibraryLibrary and Archives CanadaSymbol of the Government of Canada