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Information Management (IM) - Library and Archives Canada

In the Government of Canada (GC), the sound management of information in its many forms is every employee's business and responsibility. Library and Archives Canada has a mandate to facilitate the management of government information (including published material) and undertakes this responsibility in many ways. Our client-centred focus is on the life-cycle management of information including the authorized disposition of government records.

We provide leadership in the GC IM community by working collaboratively with the central agencies, GC departments and agencies and others to develop standards, tools and best practices for IM. We also provide informed advice, guidance and services to our clients through a variety of means including our IM Call Centre (IMGI). We invite you to explore LAC's IM web pages to discover the diverse IM products and services offered by Library and Archives Canada.

Contact Recordkeeping Liaison Centre
Recordkeeping Liaison Centre
Government Records Branch
Library and Archives Canada
Telephone: 819-934-7519 or 1-866-498-1148 (toll free in Canada and the US)
Fax: 819-934-7534
Email: centre.liaison.centre@bac-lac.gc.ca