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Library and Archives Canada
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Proactive Disclosure

Completed Access to Information Requests

Introduction | Overview | Reports

Library and Archives Canada posts summaries of completed Access to Information requests processed by its ATIP Office. The lists are not all inclusive.

The following list contains summaries of completed requests since January 2011 for which documents have been retrieved, treated, or where no documents exists. The list is provided in chronological order, by month and year, and by request number. Requests focusing on personal information or third party proprietary information are not included.

Please note that while the list is available in both official languages, the responsive records are only available in the language in which they were originally created.

If you wish to obtain a copy of the records released in response to these requests informally, you may complete our online Order Form for Photocopies and Reproductions. Please include the request number when submitting the order.

You can submit it electronically, or print it and send it by fax or by mail to:

Library and Archives Canada
Services Branch
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4
Fax: 613-995-6274

For any further questions with regards to this process, contact our Access to Information Division at 613-996-5115 or 1 866 578-7777 (toll free in Canada and in the United States) or Fax: 613-992-9350.

Definitions of Dispositions

These definitions provide a brief explanation of the Status of Completed Request

All disclosed: All the records relevant to the request were disclosed to the applicant (i.e., without the application of exemptions or exclusions).

Disclosed in part: Only a portion of the information requested was disclosed because the remainder was exempt and/or excluded.

Nothing disclosed (exempt): No information was disclosed because all of the information requested qualified for exemption under the Access to Information Act.

Nothing disclosed (excluded): No information was disclosed because all of the information requested qualified for exclusion under the Access to Information Act.

Does not exist: The information requested by the applicant does not exist.