Contact information is provided below for specific Library and Archives Canada services. Response times may vary depending on the volume of requests.
Canadiana: The National Bibliography of Canada
Canadian Book Exchange Centre (CBEC)
Canadian Children's Literature
Canadian Libraries and Librarianship
Canadian Subject Headings (CSH)
CIP (Cataloguing in Publication)
Cataloguing and Metadata
Electronic Collection: A Virtual Collection of Monographs and Periodicals
Government Records Appraisal and Disposition Program
Guided Tours
Information Management
Interlibrary Loan
International Exchanges
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
International Standard Music Number (ISMN)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Jacob M. Lowy Collection
Legal Deposit
Literary Archives
MARC 21 Standards
MARC Records Distribution Service (MRDS)
Portrait Gallery of Canada Offices
The Rare Book Collection
Services to Federal Institutions
Theses Canada
Union Catalogue