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Canadian National Catalogue
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ILL Registration
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This registration form enables you to apply for interlibrary loan services in AMICUS. This service is available to Canadian libraries only. The person in charge of interlibrary loans in your library should register for this service.

The information that you provide on this form will appear in the directory: Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada = Sigles et politiques de prêt entre bibliothèques au Canada. This information is also used in the Canadian Library Gateway and AMICUS.

Through this registration, you will be able to access the following suite of interlibrary loan services within AMICUS:
  • Interlibrary loan requesting to Library and Archives Canada and hundreds of Canadian libraries with holdings in AMICUS
  • Integrated access to:
    • over 28 million bibliographic records
    • holdings of over 1300 Canadian libraries including Library and Archives Canada
    • interlibrary loan policies and address information
    • links to library homepages; web, telnet and Z39.50 catalogues
  • All available search options including:
    • Basic, advanced and command searching
    • Customization of search settings
    • Downloading of records in MARC format
  • AMICUS Z39.50 searching and downloading

Personal Information (All fields in the Personal Information section are mandatory.)

Library Information
Canadian Library Symbol
WHO Code
Library Name (English)
Library Name (French)
Library Type
Level (Applicable only if your library is a government library.)
Mailing Address
E-mail (mandatory)
ILL Contact Information (if different from Personal Information above)
Additional Information

Library and Archives Canada
AMICUS Interlibrary Loan User Agreement

1. Definitions
Information Technology Services of Library and Archives Canada provides access to the AMICUS database for libraries, researchers and the public. Users can perform interlibrary loans, download records and personalize searching. The AMICUS services are described at http://www.collectionscanada.ca/amicus.

The AMICUS Interlibrary Loan User agreeing to this agreement is acting in the name of or on behalf of his/her library and has all necessary authorizations to act and bind his/her library to the Agreement.

2. Personal information
Library and Archives Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals using AMICUS. Library and Archives Canada stores searches performed on AMICUS for approximately 370 days. This information will not be used for reasons unrelated to AMICUS, and will not be given to others.

The Interlibrary Loan Contact agrees to notify Library and Archives Canada of any changes in the information contained in its registration.

The Interlibrary Loan Contact agrees to notify Library and Archives Canada of any required changes in the AMICUS services provided under this User Agreement.

3. Equipment
The User agrees to acquire and maintain, at his/her own expense, all equipment necessary to use the system.

4. Copyright
The User agrees to assume responsibility for compliance with the Copyright Act.

5. Copies
The User agrees not to knowingly make machine-readable AMICUS records available to third parties for commercial purposes.

6. Security
The Interlibrary Loan Contact agrees to take all reasonable and necessary precautions to ensure that access to the AMICUS system is limited to those persons authorized by the Interlibrary Loan Contact.

7. Publicity
The Interlibrary Loan Contact agrees to inform Library and Archives Canada of any announcement or publicity by the User concerning the AMICUS services which are the subject of this User Agreement.

Library and Archives Canada agrees not to refer to the User, or any of his/her organizations or facilities, in any manner, or through any medium, whether written, oral or visual, for advertising, marketing, promotion, or publicity without express written consent of the User.

8. Deletion of accounts for security
The User agrees to make responsible use of the system. Library and Archives Canada may, in its sole discretion, close an account where irresponsible use of the system is discovered.

9. Deletion of accounts for inactivity
Library and Archives may delete any account left inactive for over one year.

10. Account closed by User
A User may request to have an account closed. The request must be made by the User in writing, via fax, e-mail or regular mail.

11. Choice of Law
This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws in effect in the province of Ontario and in the country of Canada.

12. Disclaimers
The User agrees that Library and Archives Canada shall not be responsible for any interruption of service or communications breakdown, or for any failure of computer software or programs.

The User agrees that Library and Archives Canada shall not be liable to Users of AMICUS services for any inaccurate information contained in the database, nor to any person who may have received such information from Users. Users agree not to provide any information received from Library and Archives Canada through use of the AMICUS services to a third party unless such third party has agreed to accept all risk of relying on such information.

The User agrees that the AMICUS services are provided in accordance with the laws of the province of Ontario and the country of Canada. Responsibility for compliance with the laws of any other country is assumed by the recipient of the AMICUS services.

13. User Agreement
The User shall indicate agreement with the terms and conditions of this User Agreement with Library and Archives Canada by submitting a Registration Form indicating the User's intention to be legally bound. This User Agreement shall take effect upon receipt by the User of an e-mail message providing official access to AMICUS, and will remain in force until terminated by the User or Library and Archives Canada.

14. Amendments and notices
The User agrees that any notice or amendment to the service will come into effect upon posting on AMICUS News on the web. The User also agrees that if the Library and Archives decides to provide notices or amendments through another method, Users may be notified of that method by posting on AMICUS News on the web.

By registering to use AMICUS, you are agreeing to be legally bound by the AMICUS Interlibrary Loan User Agreement set out immediately above. Do you agree with this Agreement?