Accessing AMICUS: Service Hours, Logon Problems, Passwords
Holdings Services: Downloading, Interlibrary Loan
Other: Sorting, Character Sets 1. What are the hours of service? AMICUS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except for periods of system maintenance. Please check AMICUS News for advance information about scheduled maintenance. 2. Is AMICUS working? Occasionally there are urgent unscheduled interruptions to AMICUS services which cannot be announced in advance. Call the troubleshooter to check if AMICUS is available. Normally, we announce scheduled downtime in advance in AMICUS News. Check the News to keep current on activities affecting AMICUS. 3. Why is AMICUS slow sometimes? Your search can be slow if traffic on the Internet is heavy. Avoid searching AMICUS during peak hours (from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time). Also, the response time is dependant on your search. For example, a complex Boolean search using multiple terms, indexes and limiters (such as date) takes longer than a simple ISBN search. 4. Why can't I logon to AMICUS?
5. How do I change my password? You can change your password anytime prior to its expiry date; a password lasts 6 months. To change your password:
If your password has expired, contact the AMICUS support services to have it reset. 6. Why can't I use the Enter key on the Welcome screen? After entering your password, you can use the Enter key to logon with Internet Explorer. Otherwise, press the Tab key and then the Enter key. 7. Do I need different AMICUS usernames for the web and Z39.50? No, the same username and password allows you to use both AMICUS Web and AMICUS Z39.50. 8. How do I configure (set up) AMICUS for the web and Z39.50? Check our Z39.50 information pages to set up your Z39.50 client to target AMICUS. We recommend the settings below to use AMICUS on the Internet:
You can upgrade your browser by downloading a free copy at www.download.com Also, you can use character-based browsers, like Lynx, to access AMICUS. To link to catalogues accessible via Telnet or Z39.50, your browser must be configured appropriately and software must be available on your hard drive or network. 9. Whose holdings are in AMICUS? As a national catalogue, AMICUS not only shows the published holdings of Library and Archives Canada (LAC) but also those located in over 1300 libraries across Canada. For a list of the contributing libraries see the Canadian Union Catalogue. 10. Why do some AMICUS records not have holdings? AMICUS includes some records for items prior to publication. These pre-publication records are produced as part of the (CIP) program and as part of the production by Canadian non-profit institutions serving the print or hearing-impaired. AMICUS also includes source records from the Library of Congress and CONSER. These records are loaded into AMICUS without locations until a Canadian library reports having the item. 11. How do I download records from AMICUS? Only registered users can download AMICUS records. Records can be downloaded in MARC21 format using the web or Z39.50. To download, check the online Help. 12. Why can't I send an interlibrary loan request (ILL) electronically? Only staff responsible for ILL in Canadian libraries can request ILL privileges for their AMICUS account. AMICUS uses the information in the Canadian Interlibrary Loan Directory. Please note:
13. How do I check the status of my ILL request? How do I renew? For ILL requests sent to Library and Archives Canada: contact the Interlibrary Loan Division to check on renewals and the status of your request. Remember to specify the AMICUS request number and the title of the item. Email: illservicespeb@bac-lac.gc.ca For ILL requests sent to other libraries: contact the relevant library; you can use the ILL Directory to find ILL address information for the library. 14. Why aren't AMICUS records sorted automatically? AMICUS diplays records in the order they were entered into the database. Sorting records prior to displaying them would lenghten the response time. AMICUS displays the records and then allows you to choose how you would like them sorted: by author, date or title. 15. What character sets does AMICUS use? AMICUS applies standard ISO-8859-1 (ISO Latin 1). For character-based browsers, like Lynx, we recommend Western cp850 version 2.3 and above. For other characters found in Eastern European languages, clients can purchase the AMICUS Character set from … |