Residential school survivors' male descendants speak out

Seven male descendants of former residential school students are sharing their own experiences with others at the University of Winnipeg. 10:06 AM ET video

Ottawa ordered to provide all residential schools documents

The federal government is obliged to turn over its archival records on Indian residential schools to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, an Ontario court decided Thursday. 7:45 PM ET video

Federal Court grants rights to Métis, non-status Indians

In a landmark ruling, the Federal Court has said that Métis and non-status Indians are indeed "Indians" under federal jurisdiction as defined by a section of the Constitution Act. 7:21 AM ET video

Watch Landmark ruling 3:00

Attawapiskat chief slams audit leak as 'distraction'

The hunger-striking chief of Attawapiskat First Nation has dismissed a leaked audit, which found significant documentation lacking for more than $100 million transferred to the band, as a "distraction" and says it won't deter her from her goal amid national Idle No More protests. 6:18 AM ET video

Watch Where the money went 3:17

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