Stressed moms give babies a boost, squirrel study suggests

Having a stressed-out mom may give baby squirrels a competitive edge, a new study suggests. 3:40 PM ET

Amateur online sleuthing: Does it do more harm than good?

Social media sites like Reddit and 4chan were alive this week with posted images and speculation about possible suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings, and in at least one case drew attention to someone who was not involved. Is this the kind of thing that helps law enforcement, or does it just encourage vigilantism? 1:54 PM ET video

Winnipeg, Toronto host 48-hour hackathons for NASA

A smartphone app that warns about incoming meteors is just one practical application that could be developed this weekend. 5:22 PM ET

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    • April 20: Time Reborn Apr. 19, 2013 4:46 PM The eminent Canadian theoretical physicist. Dr. Lee Smolin, used to think time was an illusion, but now thinks time is real, and that understanding the real nature of time might just be way to get at some of the deep mysteries of the universe.