First test of Supreme Court's new face-veil rules imminent

Can a Muslim woman be ordered to testify without a face veil? The Toronto case that sparked a legal challenge enters a final phase as the trial judge is promising to decide shortly on the new Supreme Court rules put in place for wearers of the niqab. 8:51 AM ET

updated Tornado confirmed in Ontario community

Massive winds from a tornado destroyed a large riding barn and caused other damage just outside of Shelburne, Ont., Thursday. 3:23 PM ET video

breaking New chemotherapy oversight plan proposed

Federal, provincial and territorial health officials are discussing how to close a regulatory gap after 1,200 cancer patients received overdiluted treatments that had been outsourced by five hospitals in Ontario and New Brunswick. 5:15 PM ET

N.S. wants ban on spreading images after Rehtaeh Parsons case

The Nova Scotia government is asking the federal government to make distributing intimate images against someone's wishes a crime under the Criminal Code. 4:29 PM ET

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