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Ontario Today
with Kathleen Petty
Phone in: 1-888-817-8995

Monday: Police appeals for help



"Call us. Someone knows who did this." The FBI appeals to the public for help finding the suspects in the Boston bombings.


When have you helped solve a crime?

Salt Sugar Fat

Salt Sugar Fat jacket image.jpgYou know it's not good for you. But you eat it anyway.


Why eat food that's not good for you?


Open lines with Michael Moss, author of Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us.

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Donovan Bailey

Donovan1.jpgHe was the fastest man on earth. But beyond the finish line, Donovan Bailey has also faced disappointments. 


What sport teaches you about life.

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Gail Vaz-Oxlade

moneymoron.jpgAs blunt and undiplomatic as ever, the queen of financial advice whips people into shape on a new TV show called Money Moron.


When have you been a money moron?


Money Moron premiers in Slice Fri. Apr. 18 at 9pm.

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Skills shortage


There's a mismatch between the skills employers need and the skills Canadian workers have to offer. How is it affecting you?


Our guests include Training Colleges and Universities Minister Brad Duguid and Rick Miner, author of a report called People Without Jobs, Jobs Without People.

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Expectations of Justin Trudeau



All eyes are on the new Liberal leader.


What are your expectations?

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Advice from Ed Lawrence on lazagna gardening, orchids, natural weed killers and myrtal trees.


Two baby Bald Eagles at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton are believed to be the first born in the region in decades.

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Mistakes with medications



Ontario is investigating how cancer patients ended up getting diluted chemotherapy.


When has a medication mistake affected your health?

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Fad diets



The fasting diet. The Wheat Belly diet. The era of the fad dieting seems to never end. And it certainly doesn't end our obesity problem. 


Your experience with fad diets. 

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Paying for more public transit


hamiltontransit.jpgNo one's debating that gridlock in the GTHA is a huge problem. But how to pay for a solution? That's a debate. Metrolinx's recommendations include tolls, fuel taxes, transit fare increases and parking levies.

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