John's Background Switcher

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Um aplicativo de John Conners

Ego Trip por John Conners
  • Ego Trip por John Conners
  • Snapshot Scrapbook - Postcards Mode por John Conners
  • The John's Background Switcher 4 Settings Dialog por John Conners
John's Background Switcher periodically changes your Windows background from pictures of your choosing on your PC, from Flickr or a host of other places. You choose the search criteria, what effects you'd like, how often you want your background to change and leave it to it! 

Comentários neste aplicativo

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mll disse:

well developped app with a bunch of cool features.
Postado 44 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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Dan Pancamo disse:

best backgrounder i've seen.... ever... am i'm and old PC dude
Postado 43 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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nj_w disse:

excellent. loads a features, works well.
Postado 42 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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liver.larson disse:

Awesome app. Found it outside Flickr originally. This is how I share my photos with family. Have them install this on their computer, and their background becomes an pseudo RSS from my photostream. Love it.
Postado 42 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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BobbyKSmooth disse:

Got to say, I downloaded this today and haven't stopped playing with it. A great APP, very thorough, very flexible and exactly what I was looking for. Great work, thanks!
Postado 37 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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Beast.PoTo disse:

Very nice litter API. Well done!!!
Postado 36 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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petefeet disse:

Any chance of an android version John?
Congrats on a great app
Postado 32 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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John Conners disse:

- Thanks - I only wish I had enough free time to port JBS to other platforms but until that lottery win comes in it's pretty unlikely. Hopefully someone else will be less time-constrained than me and do it!
Postado 32 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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yoolka05 disse:

I'm finding it really useful and fun. All these awesome settings to play with!
Postado 29 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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mendhak disse:

I've seen pale imitations of this on Linux. Well done on setting a standard and then beating it.

My favorite feature so far was the changing of the login screen image on Windows 7. Beautiful.

Is the source code available for this, are you planning on putting it on github or something similar?
Postado 22 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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John Conners disse:

- Thanks! The source code is not currently available as JBS has been my escape from my day job of writing software in a team environment (it's nice to get away from the contention of working with other people of varying levels of skill, etc). That said, was there any aspect of JBS you were looking to see the source code of?
Postado 22 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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Jeremy Sorrells disse:

Really great app, just downloaded this and I already love it. I've been looking all over for a Flickr desktop changer and after finding this I know I don't have to look any further
Postado 11 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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Arwyn Harris disse:

This is a very very good app...I've installed on my parents and in-laws machines and they get regular new pics of their grandchildren as wallpaper. It's extremely slick and easy to set up with lots of smart options.
Postado 5 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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drtoonz disse:

I'm new to the app and really love it.
I do keep getting an error message though:
"The following error occurred: Invalid API Key (Key has invalid format)".
Is there a fix for this? Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you!
Postado 4 semanas atrás. ( permalink )

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John Conners disse:

Indeed (for anyone else following along)! Go back to the download page for JBS and download the installer again - the build is - install it over the top of the version you have and you should be good to go.

The actual problem is a timeout at Flickr's end, however the changes I've made to that build should correct it - if not let me know!
Postado 3 semanas atrás. ( permalink )

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victor98_2001 disse:

best shot
Postado 3 semanas atrás. ( permalink )

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_Gatt_ disse:

Just downloaded this (v4.7.0.22 for Windows 7) and I cannot get it to authorise to Flickr using my Facebook account - I can sign into Flickr web using my Facebook and using Flickr Uploadr.

Each time I try, I get and error saying that something went wrong and asking me to login again.. I can then sign into Yahoo Web with my facebook account.

I've cleared my IE9 cache but no luck :(

I have been able to connect the app to my Facebook account though.. but all my Photo's are in Flickr...
Postado 24 horas atrás. ( permalink )

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Sobre este aplicativo

  • Criado em 7 de novembro de 2005
  • Visualizado 8.327 vezes
  • 64 pessoas favoritaram este aplicativo

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