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School Board Networks of Staff and Students with Disabilities

Currently, there are no AODA education standards. However, two AODA standards development committees have drafted recommendations of guidelines that AODA education standards should include. One committee has recommended guidelines for the kindergarten to grade twelve (K-12) education system. In this article, we outline recommended guidelines for school board networks of staff and students with disabilities.

Canadians With Disabilities Say They’re Missing from the Election Discussion

Jeremiah Rodriguez Writer
Published Thursday, September 9, 2021

TORONTO — Federal party leaders aren’t listening enough to the concerns of disabled Canadians, advocates say. They say key priorities missing from campaign pledges include equitable emergency relief, stronger housing, and workplace policies that address all types of disabilities.

Sarah Jama, co-founder of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario, said this lack of scope boils down to a “lack of understanding of what systemic ableism looks like.”

Universal Design for Learning and Disability Awareness

When schools implement a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach, school communities gain more disability awareness. Improved disability awareness will reduce the stigma that students and staff with disabilities face.

Universal Design for Learning and Disability Awareness

More and more students with disabilities are enrolling in schools, colleges, and universities. Universal Design for Learning can help school systems and campuses meet the growing need for accessible education. UDL can also help expand disability awareness among school communities and reduce the many myths surrounding disability that still restrict people’s lives today.

In this Close Election, Will Erin O’Toole Stand By the Tories’ 2018 Pledge in the House of Commons to Strengthen the Accessible Canada Act?


September 8, 2021 Toronto: Will Erin O’Toole’s Tories keep their three-year-old pledge to six million people with disabilities in Canada to strengthen the 2018 Accessible Canada Act? Voters with disabilities await an answer from all the federal parties except the NDP on whether they would strengthen that legislation, enacted to make Canada accessible to people with disabilities by 2040.

Universal Design for Learning Policies

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) means designing learning goals, materials, and activities in ways that make them accessible to learners with a variety of abilities. School administrators can support these aims by creating UDL policies in their school boards, colleges, or universities. Universal Design for Learning policies can also improve disability awareness.