Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has a contract with ProQuest through which the company provides a variety of services. Note that the contract is between LAC and ProQuest. University participants in the theses program do not have contracts with either ProQuest or LAC and are free to submit theses to LAC through ProQuest at any time and in any quantity.
LAC has a separate agreement with ProQuest, which gives the company the right to maintain Canadian theses and dissertations in its database and a non-exclusive license to sell them for ten years (2011-2021).
ProQuest provides universities with a MARC catalogue record for each thesis or dissertation submitted by that institution. To arrange for this service contact ProQuest at
ProQuest provides each participating university with free online access to Adobe PDF files of each thesis submitted by that institution. For information on how to set up an account for your university to access its electronic theses see ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses Key Facts page [].
ProQuest includes citations and abstracts of Canadian theses and dissertations in its PQDT database.
Theses Submitted on Paper
ProQuest charges $58.00 per thesis for theses submitted on paper. LAC is providing a $16.00 subsidy for each paper thesis submitted in 2011-2012. The subsidy will be reduced to $8.00 per thesis in 2012-2013 and will be eliminated in 2013-2014. ProQuest invoices universities for their portion of the publishing fee.
The fee covers:
Electronic Theses Submitted via FTP or CD ROM
ProQuest charges $25.00 per thesis for theses submitted electronically via FTP or CD ROM. LAC does not subsidize the submission of electronic theses. ProQuest invoices universities for the publishing fee. If universities wish to purchase microfiche copies they must arrange this with ProQuest. Microfiche copies cost an additional $20.00 US. LAC does not purchase microfiche copies of electronic theses.
Electronic Theses Submitted via ProQuest's ETD Administrator Canada Workflow Tool
ProQuest does not charge a publishing fee to universities that submit electronic theses via its ETD Administrator Canada workflow tool. ProQuest installs and maintains this tool for free. For a demonstration, click on the link and follow the instructions to test student submission and administrator features.
For more information contact Austin McLean,, or Marlene Coles,
Submit Electronic Theses to ProQuest
ProQuest accepts electronic theses in Adobe PDF format as well as supplementary files in audio, video, spreadsheets, etc.
Ensure that you mail to ProQuest:
The above documents should be sent by mail to:
Attention: Adriano Camilleri
789 E Eisenhower Parkway
Ann Arbor, Mi 48108-3218
For more information contact ProQuest at
Submit Paper Theses to ProQuest
At time of shipment, universities should notify ProQuest ( and contact Theses Canada by email with the following information:
There are two ways to send shipments depending upon your location:
a) All universities
Choose any courier you wish. Ensure that you keep the waybill in case a shipment needs to be traced.
Send to:
Attn: From Theses Canada for ProQuest in Michigan
Line Drive Transportation
1701 Shepherd Avenue East
Windsor ON N8Y 1T4
Advise John Garrie at Line Drive ( regarding the number of boxes that will be sent, the date of the shipment and, if you know, the name of the courier.
b) Alternative for Ontario and Québec universities only:
You may use IUTS (for Ontario universities) or Pébuquill (for Québec universities). Note that IUTS and Pébuquill are better suited towards shipping smaller items. Boxes may be shipped but will take longer to transport as the vehicles used are generally smaller.
To ship via IUTS or Pébuquill, send to:
Attn: John Minos, Shipping & Receiving
For ProQuest
University of Windsor
(Theses Canada)
Leddy Library
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
Each university pays its shipping costs for theses shipments to ProQuest, while ProQuest pays for their return. Do not send shipments to ProQuest cash on delivery, as they may be returned to you without being processed.
Please note that some brokers have charged fees on return shipments of paper theses from ProQuest to universities. If you encounter this problem, you may want to use ProQuest's broker. For details contact ProQuest at
If a university does not require its theses to be returned, ProQuest recycles them and pays for the one-way shipping costs. For information on how to set up recycling, contact ProQuest at
LAC's contract with ProQuest stipulates a 90 day turn-around time for theses.