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  1. Brushing up on my rusty b-ball knowledge with @awesomenessdani and @niiCKa
  2. Ctv results board looked like a harry potter photo!
  3. All quiet on parliament hill. Drove by after work
  4. obama: justice has been done
  5. what we don't know > what we do know to a ridicuous amount now
  6. Another murder mystery read, another nosy reporter dead. Why do fictional journalists drop like flies?
  7. @awesomenessdani so has the #Canucks win revived your hockey spirits?
  9. Relivin chelsea man U... Bittersweet earlobe discussion
  10. @niiCKaa thanks babe! U made my #j4k post-exam celebration! I love dq
  11. You sleep only with the dream of bigger dreams #j4k
  12. @awesomenessdani nope, not just you....
  13. All I hear from #CLSH is "look into my eyes, look into my eyes, now you're under." #elxn41 #littlebritain
  14. ooooh look at the flag.... #db8
  15. come layton. coin another hastag... no. ok :-( #db8