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  1. A doc on TV May 16 brings that quote to life: RT @QuietMindSystem: “Hatred can be overcome only by love.” Gandhi
  2. @kitbath Isn't that cool? And scary?
  3. Check out this world clock. Equal parts fascination and horror:
  4. Surely somebody knows something about this case: Grieving father ups reward in son’s slaying to $150,000
  5. Our architecture critic Chris Hume picks the most beautiful buildings in Toronto, one a day all week. Love this choice.
  6. Just had the best customer service experience in recent memory at NYC's Telecharge, for Broadway tix. Such good service is... strange.
  7. The most delightful story I've read in a long time: A rare visit to elephant heaven
  8. @femwriter I hope I can make it on the 16th, sounds great. I have also scheduled the June Callwood lecture.
  9. @femwriter What is that? AppelSalon?
  10. This story is only awesome: A rare visit to elephant heaven
  11. Remarkable story, remarkable woman Melissa Fung: I’m just calling to say goodbye
  12. RT @andersoncooper: Did you know a dog was part of team that killed #OBL? Obama met the dog today. We look at dogs in military #ac360 on now
  13. Mothers of gun victims want long-gun registry saved Ah, not just the mothers of gun victims!
  14. Isn't this a bizarre story? RT @HuffingtonPost: Jail time for young boy accused of killing his neo-nazi dad?
  15. This program seems nicely successful so far. RT @chrisjamesdrew: About to take my 2nd @BIXItoronto trip. #BikeTO #BixiTO
  16. Always awe-some! RT @woofhausen: Dogs play big role in U.S. military, hunt for bin Laden shows:
  17. Being far more productive! RT @Tendaijoe: If the Internet and TV didn't exist, what would you spend most of your time doing?
  18. I am finally getting the winter tires taken off my vehicle today! #notenoughhoursinaday
  19. Being PC has gone to the dogs: ‘Pet’ or ‘animal companion’? How to respectfully refer to the family dog
  20. A riveting account of the bin Laden op: Barack Obama’s great gamble pays off Now on to election results!