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Go on, get happy!

Let’s get this bandwagon started! Here are 10 fast ways to make any day a happier, more satisfying one.

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  1. Hold the elevator! Help a parent get their stroller onto the bus. Share that social media post about someone’s lost dog. It’s doesn’t take a lot to help someone – you’ll be glad you did.
  2. Think green: Stroll through the park or walk your dog through the woods. It’s a proven mood booster.
  3. Keep your tummy smiling. Avoid foods that cause you trouble. All Silk soy, Silk True Almond and Silk True Coconut beverages are free from dairy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg and MSG.
  4. Dance! Go solo, join a flash mob or get up close and intimate with a flamenco partner. Doesn’t matter: just bust some moves for a guaranteed good time.
  5. Check out the cute/hilarious cat meme du jour. There’s a reason why we love them so much: they make us feel squeeee! Indulge – it’s good for you.
  6. Get your Zzzzzzz’s. Adults can get as cranky as toddlers when we’re suffering a sleep deficit. Get your seven to eight hours of sleep each night so you wake with a smile.
  7. Get some sun and fresh air. Go for a walk on your lunch break, year-round. Sunshine is nature’s pick-me-up.
  8. Pay someone a compliment. It has the magical effect of making you feel like a million bucks!
  9. Be thankful. Make a habit of thinking about the people and things in your life you are grateful for. The more often you do this, the more you’ll notice. How cool is that?!
  10. Finally, just add chocolate. Silk chocolate beverages are happiness by the ounce! Savour Silk True Almond Dark Chocolate or Silk soy Chocolate hot, cold, or in your favourite dessert recipe. (Check out some chocolicious ones here )

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