The Quebec Liberal party may not win on April 7 under Philippe Couillard but neither is it likely to suffer the fate of its federal cousin under Michael Ignatieff and be reduced to a non-entity across francophone Quebec.

Philippe Couillard succeeds by not being a polarizing force: Hébert

The Quebec Liberal party may not win on April 7 under Philippe Couillard but neither is it likely to suffer the fate of its federal cousin under Michael Ignatieff and be reduced to a non-entity across francophone Quebec.


Rail safety

Interactive map: Railway accidents in Canada involving dangerous goods

Interactive map: Railway accidents in Canada involving dangerous goods

Map shows approximate locations of the railway accidents in Canada in 2013 involving dangerous goods, based on Transportation Safety Board data.comments

Oil in Lac-Mégantic blast as volatile as gas, safety board confirms

Oil in Lac-Mégantic blast as volatile as gas, safety board confirms

Formal lab tests confirm the train that crashed and exploded in Quebec last summer was carrying oil that was more volatile than advertised.comments

Interactive: Senate expenses

Interactive: Senate expenses

These interactives detail senators' expenses between Nov. 30. 2010 and Nov. 30 2012.