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MIPTV: The world's audiovisual and digital content market
April 8 to 11, 2013
Cannes, France

MIPTV is a market specialized in television programs known for the range and diversity of its international representation. It is important for the sale and purchase of broadcasting rights, coproductions, financing, partnerships, corporate consolidation, cross-border investments and trends forecasting, for both programming and companies' positioning in an increasingly global trade environment. At MIPTV, as at MIPCOM, Canada deploys the fifth-largest contingent, after the United States, Great Britain, France and Germany.

The Canada Pavilion at MIPTV
Telefilm Canada and its partners places a 418m2 stand at the disposal of the Canadian industry on a cost-sharing basis. The stand is open to Canadian production and distribution companies. Telefilm Canada offers a turnkey facility, including furnishings, audiovisual equipment, signage, telephone, and joint promotional services, as well as reception, information and consulting services.

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