Canadisc underrīcu

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Þā Canadiscan underrīcu and landscipas sindon ætgædre Canada, þǣre ƿorulde mǣst cynerīce and þæt mǣste rīce æfter Russlande. Æt þǣre Canadiscan Geānlǣcunge anginnunge ƿǣron fēoƿer underrīcu. Nū hæfþ Canada tīene.

Þā underrīcū habbaþ ānƿeald of Canadan grundgesetnesse. Ǣlc underrīce hæfþ his āgne lēodƿearde (and sēo Cƿēne stent tō his hēafod) and his āgen folcmōt. Þā landscipas habbaþ ānƿeald of þǣre Þoftscipes lēodƿearde and þǣm ƿitangemōte.

Stōƿe þāra Underrīca and Landscipa[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Underīce and Landscipas Canadan
(on Nīƿan Englisce)
Political map of Canada.png

Underrīcu[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Canada hæfþ tīen underrīcu:

Landscipas[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Canadan Landscipas sind: