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  1. Mansbridge: What about planned parenthood? Harper: Canadians should abort the Liberal/separatist/socialist coalition.
  2. Mansbridge: You didn't answer my ques? Harper: The Liberals, separatists, and the socialists, they've tried it before, they'll do it again.
  3. Mansbridge: What's your favorite food? Harper: Not a coalition of the Liberals, separatists, the socialists.
  4. Mansbridge: What's your position on health care? Harper: The socialist/separatist/Liberal coalition will not respect the will of Canadians.
  5. Mansbridge: What is your favorite colour? Harper: The color that will stop a socialist/separatist coalition with the Liberals.
  6. Mansbridge: What do you think of kittens? Harper: How can anybody enjoy kittens with a socalist/sepratist coalition threatening the economy.
  7. Mansbridge: What's you name? Harper: Yes, I know, the other parties won't respect the result of the election and will take over the gov't.
  8. We elect Parliaments, not Governments. Governments are formed by Parliaments.
  9. @kady A defeated U.S. President is President for two more months after the election.
  10. New cartoon. Sorry NDP, it was your turn:
  11. @MY_BIG_FAT_LIFE Thanks. Me too. See you at the AJAs.
  12. The defining issue of this campaign has been the election.
  13. Site updated:
  14. @natnewswatch Thanks.
  15. @grogg57 Thanks.
  16. @Dantheeditor Funny.
  17. I have Bell TV. So I have Sun TV. What channel is it on in Halifax?
  18. Blog update:
  19. @PaulDeAdder Because God hates you.
  20. Low fat soya milk in coffee has 0% fat and 0% taste.