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  1. Tonight: @oliviamunn explores the Tiger Mom controversy. Are they anything like the Western Cougar? We hear there's a whole TOWN of them.
  2. Tonight: Is America breeding a generation of wusses? Or is it normal to cry all day while watching Puppy Cam?
  3. Tonight: Elizabeth Warren is our guest. A financial consumer advocate devoted to enforcing the law. Oh really? Where’s her cape?
  4. Tonight: Providing financial assistance for 9/11 First Responders: Good! Making it harder for them to get that assistance: Bad! Also: Duh!
  5. Not satisfied with your lunch? Add a side order of @TheDailyShow. It only takes a minute! #DailyShow
  6. .@Gsquare86 talks about the hypocritical American foreign policy towards the Middle East. #Egypt #DailyShow
  7. .@RepPaulRyan gets booed at a town hall, and singing protesters blow kisses at @BarackObama. #DailyShow
  8. If there is one consistent theme to early polls, it's that they are consistently wrong. #DailyShow
  9. Meredith Vieira covers obscure British tradition, revolting food and the biggest twit in England. #DailyShow
  10. Get ready for The Daily Show morning dump!
  11. Tonight: Are early polls ever accurate? Do pigs fly? What would you do for a Klondike bar? We answer JUST ONE of these questions.
  12. Tonight: @realDonaldTrump is number one in the polls? So first really IS the worst!
  13. Tonight: Digital journalist @Gsquare86 educates us on the revolution in Egypt in just 140 characters. Perhaps less. She’s that good.
  14. Tonight: We're back! What kind of zany, madcap situation will we get mixed up in this time? The burns from last time are almost healed.
  15. Tonight: TDS returns with all new episodes. We suggest a viewing party! What better way to finish off the leftover matzo and macaroons?
  16. Next Week: All new episodes of The Daily Show! Also, our digestive tracts recover from all that matzo. So many reasons to celebrate!
  17. Hope the Easter Bunny left our followers delicious treats and beautifully decorated eggs. And for those not following us, rabbit droppings.
  18. We left out some carrots for the Easter Bunny. Last year. They’re still good, right?
  19. So the Easter Bunny sneaks into your house while you sleep and leaves you baskets of candy? Sounds like a creep.
  20. Next Week: TDS returns with all new episodes. We’ll have guests! Jokes! Maybe even a fire breather! John Oliver spent all week practicing.