Power & Politics


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  1. Kotyk of @LifelinesSyria: the 2,500 refugee number could be correct bc it has been slow to start, but Canada has done more and can do more

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  2. Alexandra Kotyk from : "I hope this is a peak moment where Cdns see this photo and say time to step up and time to help."

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  3. . : People aren't making enough money to get ahead & the NDP wants everybody pay their fare share and invest for Cdns

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  4. "Our gov't will continue to focus on getting Cdns ahead which we've being through our low tax agenda," on household debt.

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  5. . : the LPC would invest in the middle class and growth to create more jobs for Cdns so they don't rely on credit cards

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  6. . : The PM was not available to reporters on in the hill which is a broader issue of democracy and lack of gov't accountability

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  7. .: Hopes all Indigenous Canadians have the ability & access to vote but that they can reject that vote if they want to

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  8. .: the challenge will have is getting First Nations to believe fed leaders' promises for FN communities

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  9. "If there was a diaspora shaking its cage, no doubt the political context would be very different right now," on migrant crisis.

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  10. "I never thought I'd become Mrs. Universe, so you never know what's going to happen,' on a possible future political career

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  11. Mrs. Universe talks politics and calls on First Nations people to vote because they have they power to make change

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  12. .: The path to a majority could be running through B.C. this year if none of the parties manage to win Ontario

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  13. . says the NDP would follow the UNHCR's recommendations of bringing in 10,000 refugees & more through private sponsorship.

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  14. .: this is a crisis and this gov't has been a disgrace to the country's long standing tradition of accepting refugees.

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  15. . : Canada remains a model of humanitarian action & we have to accept that we will not be able to resettle all of those refugees.

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  16. How should Canada help out on the refugee crisis in Europe? , debate.

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  17. .: Parties are using social media tools like leaders' facebook Q&As but : authentic moments still hard to come by

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  18. .: leader will tweet back directly to followers, means more direct dialogue w/ voters

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