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  1. @kdborg Balmer/Bates said there'd be a group working to ensure Skype still operates on other OSes. But yeah can see that as a concern.
  2. @TheJTWay Concerned that the Microsoft deal will make it harder to get Skype on other platforms?
  3. @robheydari Thanks. Just interviewed a student who calls home to Venezuela. Cheers.
  4. @joannelostracco That's great! Would you be available for a quick interview over Skype to talk about how your family uses Skype? Thanks.
  5. Working on a story on Microsoft's acquisition of #Skype. Looking for a Skype user (or 2) on how VoIP has changed how they communicate. #CBC
  6. Lori Arczynski lost her husband. Named her 9 yr-old son after him. This am son asks: why they were allowed t… (cont)
  7. Canadian families of 9/11 victims react to #BinLaden's death. Many struggle with how to interpret the news. Not a celebration one woman says
  8. RT @CBCReporters: Were u, or some1 you know, affected by 9/11? We'd like to speak to you. Email the CBC News community team:
  9. @cbcamber: A look back: 24 Canadians died on Sept. 11. Here are their bios:
  10. @RayHeard @cbcdispatches Thanks. Great story. Great people.
  11. My final story from #Libya airs tomorrow on @CBCDispatches -- 1pm (1:30 NT). Looks at the struggle to build a new democratic state.
  12. @CBCLorenda Did you drop your lunchie again??
  13. I was in #Chornobyl five years ago, for 20th anniv of nuclear disaster. Story and pix here:
  14. Amazing, chilling photos from @NYTimes on the battle for #Libya:
  15. Woo hoo! RT @piyachatto: Beyond thrilled to be joining Agenda...summer and fill-in host for the uber-talented SPaikin...
  16. @540am Sheila's pictures. Coreen's words. Heaven!!!! #rightaboutnowmyfunksoulbrother
  17. Leaving #Egypt tomorrow. Had a great three weeks in #Libya and here. Want to come back already!
  18. Student tells me, "Egyptians have had their revolution. Now time to move on." For him, that's finding a job teaching after graduation.
  19. Spent the day walking around Cairo. Most ppl I talked to want to move on, no one talking about Mubarak and possible corruption charges.
  20. Warm hazy day in Cairo. Heading 2 Pyramids soon to check tourism industry. Working on post-revolution story for Wrld@6 tonight on @CBCRadio