Andrew Coyne인증된 계정


Explorer, founder of Lachine, seigneur of Cataracoui, discoverer of the mouths of the Mississippi.

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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    National Post View: Seniors in the election spotlight

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  2. Quebec's hate-speech bill violates freedom of expression, says ex-Liberal Houda-Pepin

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  3. We are witnessing 'the most significant new Russian military foothold in the Middle East in decades'

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  4. Jeremy Corbyn backed by Bernie Sanders

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  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Hostile Labour MPs demand Trident pledge from Jeremy Corbyn

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  6. Chaos behind Jeremy Corbyn's reshuffle revealed - Telegraph

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  7. Corbyn fights Labour turmoil amid fears over shadow chancellor:

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  8. Caucus also chose NZ Labour Party leader until 2011.

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  9. "The Leader of the Parliamentary Section shall, upon approval of the Board, become the Leader of the Party."

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  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Colby Cosh: Does Australia hold the key to democratic renewal in Canada?

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  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Read this or a 1st yr poli sci textbook to sort out confusion on "Who really gets first crack at governing"

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  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    The National Post has written a terrible editorial encouraging our politicians to act less democratically:

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  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    When a war room fails a leader: Trudeau, truthiness and the economy

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  14. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Canada could take 90,000 Syrian refugees, says Roméo Dallaire

  15. My latest: would you rather the “unstable” system that kicked Tony Abbott to the curb, or an eternity of Corbyn?

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  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Global trade is in a 3-year slump, and few envisage any signs it will soon regain its previous pace of growth

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  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Toronto Star reporter Paul Watson famously quit over a Franklin expedition story. Now that story is out.

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  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    William Watson: 'Cheques to millionaires' are just fine

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  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    "I want to walk around Brooklyn with a pair of scissors and snip off every man bun"

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  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Asher Honickman: To win fight against Quebec’s Bill 59, challenge the province’s right to propose it

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