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  1. U.S. Democrat: "We must not put boots on the ground in Libya,must close any loophole that allows any prez to do so. "
  2. Don MacPherson: Quebec’s government-in-waiting (i.e. PQ Pauline Marois) looks incompetent, unprincipled
  3. @pdrobertson And I'm pickin' on you, cuz CRG is the most succesful of the bunch, IMO :)
  4. Oui, d'accord! MT @pdrobertson: Your argument re caucus research bureaus applies to all exempt staff.
  5. Read this: and get back to me...RT @H0PP: Sun cut back on what you can write in the paper? #ImnotsayingImjustsaying
  6. Total fed spend is $240 B/yr! RT @jasonfekete: What's the party subsidy cost annually? $27 m? not even a decimal point on $1B G8/G20 tab
  7. Would have to be convinced. Gut says bad idea. MT @timrichter: Open political involvement beyond parties? Allow PACs? Allow charities?
  8. U think the Sun, TorStar, Le Devoir and the Globe are on the same media team? MT @libjim: cuz the media has too much power #MediaDiversity
  9. Cool! RT @seanwiltshire: you might be interested in my graphs of election results
  10. RT @tristengee: as a student, I don't pay taxes. Someone paying taxes&voting for another party could be "giving" $2 to my party.
  11. The Daily Brief starts right now on Sun News Network: Missouri's disaster; terror trial in Chicago; the Liberal rebuilding plan
  12. MPs/Mins/Committees have plenty of money/exempt staff for research don't they? MT @pdrobertson: Let's just have crats service politicians?
  13. Always found Library of Parliament excellent for research RT @pdrobertson: So let's get rid of all non exemp… (cont)
  14. Hey, I work for a newspaper! I love those ads! RT @matvail2002: why do parties have to spend a ton of money on signs or ads in newspapers?
  15. With you on 3&4 not 2. Must blog about that. RT @matvail2002: 2/4:No 3/4: It depends 4/4: No, it just moves the problem.
  16. Are bans on corporate/union donations appropriate? 4/4 (Think @pmharper while at NCC said no to this one)
  17. Are contribution limits appropriate? 3/4
  18. Are subsidies/rebates/tax credits of political parties appropriate in any circumstance? 2/4
  19. My three fundamental questions for political finance reform.. 1/4
  20. Good reason to end all tax credits/rebates, no? RT @AlbertaGrl: So then everyone should send their $2 to th… (cont)