News / Canada

24 Sussex needs repairs, but will Trudeau delay move-in?

Justin Trudeau was handed the keys to the prime minister’s residence Monday night, but needed repairs may delay move-in.

The house at 24 Sussex Dr. in Ottawa  is the official residence of Canada's prime minister. The house, 147 years old, needs substantial repairs, according to a 2007 auditor general's report.

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Tom Hanson / National Capital Commission (NCC)

The house at 24 Sussex Dr. in Ottawa is the official residence of Canada's prime minister. The house, 147 years old, needs substantial repairs, according to a 2007 auditor general's report.

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OTTAWA—Voters handed Justin Trudeau the keys to 24 Sussex Monday night, but a backlog of critical repairs may delay the prime minister-designate’s move.

A spokesperson for the Liberal leader confirmed Friday that Trudeau’s team is being briefed on the state of 24 Sussex Drive, and no decision has been made on when he’ll move his family into the historic residence.

“No decisions have been made at this point. We’re in the process of being briefed and will make a decision shortly,” wrote Daniel Lauzon in a brief statement sent to multiple media organizations.

The prime minister’s 147-year old residence has been in need of substantial repairs for years. In 2007, the auditor general’s office flagged several serious problems with the historic home, including asbestos in the walls, no sprinkler system and electrical wiring that had not seen work in five decades.

The required retrofits would likely take more than a year to complete, and the National Capital Commission estimated in 2011 that they would cost as much as $10 million.

The house at 24 Sussex Drive is the official residence of CanadaÕs prime minister. Part of the house is reserved for the use of the family. The other part, which is public, belongs to the nation. This is where the prime minister welcomes guests and associates for public functions. These rooms are decorated and furnished in keeping with their important public function.

National Capital Commission (NCC)

The house at 24 Sussex Drive is the official residence of CanadaÕs prime minister. Part of the house is reserved for the use of the family. The other part, which is public, belongs to the nation. This is where the prime minister welcomes guests and associates for public functions. These rooms are decorated and furnished in keeping with their important public function.

While that may seem like a steep price tag, the auditor general’s report warned that failing to move on the repairs would increase the costs further down the road as the property continues to deteriorate.

At the time, Prime Minister Stephen Harper was steadfast in his resistance to spend money on the rent-free mansion.

“The prime minister and his family find 24 Sussex adequate to their needs and see no need for a substantial renovation,” Harper’s former spokesman, Andrew MacDougall, said in 2011.

Trudeau’s mother, Margaret Trudeau, told CBC News Friday morning that the incoming prime minister would not be moving his young family into the residence until the necessary repairs were complete.

The Liberals did not confirm or deny Margaret Trudeau’s suggestion, but said they had bigger things to worry about in the immediate future.

“Our primary focus at the moment is getting a cabinet together for Nov 4th and ensuring a smooth transition to government,” Lauzon wrote.