News / Federal Election 2015

Prospect of Harper-free land has Canadians smiling: Hume

After a long, painful campaign, the country is looking forward to a fresh start.

Gone are the days when a red maple leaf sewn on a backpack was enough to draw smiles from strangers, Christopher Hume writes.

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Lee Brown / The Canadian Press

Gone are the days when a red maple leaf sewn on a backpack was enough to draw smiles from strangers, Christopher Hume writes.

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  •  Stephen Harper appears at a campaign event in Trois-Rivieres, Que., this week. zoom

Perhaps it’s one’s over-heated imagination, but the thought that Canada could rid itself of Stephen Harper in just days seems to have made the country a happier place. Suddenly, Canadians have a spring in their step. The cloud that has kept Canada in darkness for a decade could finally lift.

Not that we delude ourselves that Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau or the NDP’s Tom Mulcair will solve all our problems, but both would eliminate the toughest issue of all — the prime minister himself.

Regardless of his agenda, Harper’s contempt for Canada and its political institutions has passed the point of no return. In addition to being the only Canadian prime minister ever found in contempt of Parliament, he has prorogued the House on four occasions, each time to save his own sorry regime.

Harper’s contempt extends in every direction. He has picked fights with the Supreme Court, interfered with immigration, muzzled scientists and even tried to get rid of basic knowledge about Canada and Canadians by killing the mandatory long-form census.

Though Harper demands Canadians trust him — against all evidence — he has been clear he has no trust in Canadians. His insistence on secrecy crossed over into paranoia long ago. His unique blend of passive-aggressive paternalism assumes we will do what Daddy tells us even though it hurts.

On the world stage, Harper has undone the work of 60 years, turning Canada from respected international player to global no-show. How many times has his stance on climate change earned Canada the Fossil of the Year award? His emotional capacity ranges from petulance to rage with little in between. This is a man who doesn’t know the difference between a smile and a smirk.

Gone are the days when a red maple leaf sewn on a backpack was enough to draw smiles from strangers. Today, acknowledged laggards on any number of files, we are more likely to get a lecture or a Harper-like shrug. From the environment to foreign aid, Israel to Ukraine, Canada’s reputation has taken a severe beating.

Most shocking, perhaps, was the episode of the Syrian refugees. This gave Harper and his mouthpiece, immigration minister Chris Alexander, a chance to display fully their hostility to Muslims, er, terrorists, and the idea of letting them into the country. Followed up with a gratuitous attack on the niqab, the duo made its appeal directly to Canadians’ worst instincts.

Little wonder we’ve reached the point where even dyed-in-the-wool Conservatives realize that Harper must go. His leadership has been the real issue of this election from the start. So when Harper’s main offering is more of the same, Canadians have cause for concern.

His efforts to move Canada to the right have succeeded in many respects, but Canadians remain more cautious than conservative. Though voters are susceptible to the lower-taxes-at-any-cost mantra, his culture of no has left the country in a state of dangerous disrepair. Cities crumble while social services and health care are stretched to the limit.

Of course, Harper can’t be blamed for all our woes. Though charmless and awkward, arrogant and amoral, he has limited powers. Only his control of the Conservative party is absolute, and what a mess it is. Just ask Mike Duffy. Harper has now banned his own candidates from speaking publically, from participating in locals candidates’ debates. He has reduced them to ciphers. To vote for a Tory — any Tory — is to vote for Harper.

After this campaign, that’s no longer an option.

Christopher Hume can be reached at