Opinion / Editorials

Toronto archdiocese’s plan to sponsor refugee families sets a fine example: Editorial

The Archdiocese of Toronto launched Project Hope to bring 100 refugee families from Jordan to Toronto.

Migrants reach out for bread distributed by volunteers, at a border crossing between Croatia and Slovenia.

Darko Bandic / AP

Migrants reach out for bread distributed by volunteers, at a border crossing between Croatia and Slovenia.

The Harper government may have dragged its heels on bringing refugees fleeing strife in Syria and Iraq to Canada. But happily, Canada’s religious and community organizations, along with determined individuals, have stepped in to fill the void.

Undeterred by bureaucracy or costs, they have overcome the odds to sponsor refugee families fleeing one of the worst humanitarian crises in memory.

And unlike the outgoing government, which said its priority was to settle the “most vulnerable” (translation: Christians and other non-Muslim minorities) the “right” religion is not a prerequisite.

Consider the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto. Representatives from its Office for Refugees have just returned from Jordan, where they selected 100 refugee families to come to Toronto as soon as possible. They expect the first to arrive early next year.

The effort announced in September, called Project Hope, put the priority on those fleeing war and violence, regardless of their religion. It will take $3 million. So far $1 million has been raised.

This project, like so many others across Canada, is an example of the country’s true spirit of generosity.