Opinion / Readers' Letters

MH17 a Russian false flag operation?

Re: Russian-made missile downed MH17, Oct. 14

Russian-made missile downed MH17, Oct. 14

The “why it happened” question is still unanswered in the aftermath of the MH17 disaster.

A Dutch-led final report into the July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines crash over eastern Ukraine concluded that the plane was shot down by a Russian made surface-to-air BUK missile. What the inquiry has not answered yet is both who did it (likely the Russians) and more critically, why and who would benefit?

The Ukrainian army, although they possess Ukrainian-made BUK missile launchers, didn’t need to use them because the Russian terrorists rebels have no aircraft to shoot down. Up to that date, Russian terrorist rebels were successful at shooting down lower flying Ukrainian military aircraft with shoulder mounted surface-to-air missiles, so why would someone switch and suddenly bring in a more complex Russian BUK missile launcher illegally over the border from Russia, to shoot at civilian aircraft flying much higher at 30,000 feet? Russia presented numerous erroneous and deceptive reasons, which were all dismissed by the Dutch report.

The most credible explanation as to why it happened seems to be provided by the former chief of Ukrainian Intelligence Service, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko. As reported in British, Russian and Ukrainian media, he stated that the Russians had intended to shoot down their own Russian Aeroflot, flight AFL 2074 full of tourists, blame the Ukrainian army, and use that as a pretext to invade Ukraine the very next day on July 18, with the 20,000 Russian troops amassed on the Ukrainian boarder. Instead they shot down flight MH17 by mistake.

Nalyvaichenko said that Russian-backed rebels were supposed to take their BUK rocket launcher to a village called Pervomaiskoe in Ukrainian-held territory west of Donetsk. Instead, they mistakenly positioned it in a rebel-controlled village of the same name to the east of the city. If they had gone where they were supposed to go, they would have hit the Aeroflot flight carrying civilians travelling from Moscow to Larnaca, Cyprus, flying at the same time, killing everyone onboard. Significantly, the crash site would have been in Ukrainian-held territory. Consequently, the full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine was averted on July 18.

Overall, this appears to be a Russian false flag operation gone terribly wrong.

Walter Derzko, Toronto