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  1. Thanks to all who have recognized Jim Travers first broke the Ignatieff post-politics landing spot story
  2. CLSH now holding national media hostage at Uplands Royal Oak
  3. Hamilton students looking like they regret being allowed in
  4. Hats off to Mac students who talked their way into SH rally cuz they want to vote
  5. Heckled in my hometown for riding Harper bus. Was expecting flpwers
  6. Red-and-white clad students chanting "We're Voting."
  7. Noisy anti-Harper demo in The Hammer
  8. @lindathu_nguyen in oakland they are cuckoo for coco crisp
  9. Campaign stopped. It's baseball geek draft night in Ottawa
  10. @mstoreshaw some challenges ahead on the corners, fer sure
  11. @mstoreshaw