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How a 30-minute chat with Trudeau broke Ontario’s pension logjam: Mayers

Justin Trudeau has removed a big obstacle to the progress of Ontario’s pension plan, namely how to the collect the money.

 Justin Trudeau stopped by Queen's Park Tuesday to visit Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Richard J. Brennan / Toronto Star Order this photo

Justin Trudeau stopped by Queen's Park Tuesday to visit Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Justin Trudeau came to town Tuesday and managed to achieve, in a 30-minute meeting with the premier, what 18 months of effort had previously failed to do.

Trudeau removed one of the biggest obstacles to the progress of Ontario’s retirement pension plan, namely the issue of how to the collect the premiums and keep track of what is owed in payments.

It’s an unexciting piece of bureaucratic process, but it’s also absolutely vital. If the government can’t keep accurate records, the plan will fail.

This missing piece is one reason why there’s been little visible movement in the past year on the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP). The plan's outline is this: The ORPP is coming in 2017, starting with larger employers. The plan is aimed at those Ontarians who lack a company pension plan; at its best, it will replace about 15 per cent of income to maximum earnings of $90,000, or $13,500 a year. It will be in addition to a Canada Pension Plan payment.

The ORPP couldn’t easily move ahead without federal co-operation, and the Harper Conservatives offered none.

Trudeau unlocked the jam Tuesday by making a promise to Wynne. According to Wynne’s spokesperson Zita Astravas, Trudeau said that once he takes office, he will direct the Canada Revenue Agency and departments of finance and national revenue to work with Ontario officials on the registration and administration of the ORPP, The Star’s Robert Benzie reported.

This is the same pension-administration help that Ottawa had extended to Quebec and Saskatchewan, but denied to Ontario.

This week’s news is important because it means the ORPP can move ahead on its own, while Ontario participates in talks to expand the CPP. The Ontario plan hedges against the fact that expanded CPP talks will fail, but if they succeed, the province’s effort isn’t wasted because its plan would be folded into the improved CPP.

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Nothing has so far been said about CPP talks. But at a campaign stop in Toronto, Trudeau said he’d get going with the provinces within 90 days of becoming prime minister.

That gives him until Jan. 17 to make good on his promise, a tight schedule given the long list of things on the new government’s plate. But given Trudeau’s nod to Wynne just a week after winning the election, the odds have improved that the CPP will be high on the new finance minister’s list.

Polls show that Canadians are worried about retirement security and support a better national pension plan. They trust the CPP, seeing it as well run and reliable. They often quibble with the amount they are paid, but that’s a political decision, not something the CPP Investment Board controls.

Research carried out by the Gandalf Group for the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) in the middle of the election campaign confirms that Trudeau and Wynne are moving with public opinion.

The research looks at attitudes toward workplace pensions, and in particular defined benefit pension plans. These plans are on the retreat in the private sector, but still widely available in the public sector.

Among the findings:

  • 77 per cent support increasing CPP costs and benefits;
  • 54 per cent say any contribution changes to the CPP should be mandatory;
  • 70 per cent support the idea of the ORPP to increase pension benefits;
  • 74 per cent said higher pension contributions are a form of savings, and an investment in the future. Only 20 per cent saw the higher premiums as a tax, which is how the Conservatives painted the cost of a better CPP.
  • In a world of economic uncertainty and powerful global forces, stronger public pensions protect workers against forces outside their control. After a decade of inaction and small thinking, it seems the will is there to do something. All that remains is finding the way.

    Adam Mayers writes about investing and personal finance on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Have a question? Reach him at .

    ORPP at a glance

  • It will be mandatory for 3 million Ontarians without company pensions.
  • Contributions begin in 2017, with larger employers going first.
  • Modelled after CPP. Has survivor benefit, but is not transportable. There is no opt out.
  • Workers and employers each contribute 1.9 per cent of earnings up to a maximum annual income of $90,000.
  • At its best, the pension aims to replace 15 per cent of income.
  • The fund would collect $3.5 billion a year, which would be invested at arm’s length.
  • Source: Ontario Ministry of Finance