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  • Trudeau Family
    Today, I had the pleasure of introducing our team of extraordinary Canadians who will serve as Ministers in your new government.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 4 November 2015
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
    The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, today issued the following statement after the swearing-in of the 29th Ministry:
    Ottawa, Ontario - 4 November 2015
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
    Public events for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for Wednesday, November 4, 2015:Ottawa 1:30 p.m.  The Prime Minister hosts a Google Hangout with schoolchildren immediately after his swearing-in ceremony. It can be accessed at: The public and media will be invited to follow the conversation online. During this Google Hangout, the Prime Minister will converse with schoolchildren from five schools across Canada in a bilingual session.
    Media Advisories
    Ottawa, Ontario - 4 November 2015